The Malaviya Centre for Peace Research (MCPR)


The Malaviya Centre for Peace Research (MCPR) was established in 1997 as an interdisciplinary centre of the Faculty of Social Sciences at the Banaras Hindu University – one of the largest and most prestigious university systems in India.

It consists of Faculty and Researchers from diverse disciplines of the Social Sciences, particularly Political Science and International Relations, working to analyse and contribute to the peaceful resolution of intra- and inter-state conflict. The MCPR involves in its programs faculty, students, representatives from the media and social activists and has emerged as a symbol of excellence in the field of Peace Studies and Conflict Resolution. In addition to its academic domain, the MCPR has an extensive outreach program, involving nearly 150 active members, including opinion makers from different communities, representatives of Non-Governmental Organisations and private citizens from different parts of Northern India, interested in the issues of peace building and conflict transformation within and outside Indian borders.